According to the Medical Press (except it cites Theology Today)~Occult practices feed both depression and psychopathy-Both are on the rise.

No one can deny there is an increase of both in the past twenty-five years. The medical community is looking for the cause so that they can treat it. Not to advocate one religion over another. I won’t write the dictionary definition of the world occult because for once it is not correct. Some […]

According to the Medical Press~Occult practices feed both depression and psychopathy-Both are on the rise.

Just so you know, medical experts don’t believe in the Devil!

Hello I am basically learning Raspberry Pi

My Dad had to send in my Surface 6 (which may in fact be a 5) so now I am learning the ways of the Pi4. Basically I have decided to stop talking about Zionist and start talking about my love for computers.

The computer, as we now know it, was invented in war. The British cracked the code and with the help of the US and USSR defeated the Nazis.

Weather the war was worth it is up to debate (Suggest Reading Churchill the Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan.)

Later one of these machines was invented by a company on a bet called the Altair 8800. Many different techies would experiment with them until finally Bill Gates and several other people created personal computers from them.

Slowly Operating Systems Evolved. First Unix and DOS.

The internet allowed these systems to evolve even faster.

Now a new contender enters the market. The Raspberry Pi 4. Right now the maximum Ram is 8 gigs for under a 100 dollars. If next year it becomes 12 gigs for under a hundred we might have the greatest cheapest gaming computer of the Linux verity.

But that is still a dream.